Simple Reflex Agents
- Actions rely purely on condition-action rules.
- Also called memory-less or state-less.
- Works only if the correct decision can be made on the basis of only the current percept.
- Works only if the environment is fully observable.
- Often trapped in infinite loops if the environment is partial observable.
Model-Based Reflex Agents
- Handle partial observability by keeping track of the part of the world it can’t see now.
- Maintain internal states to model the world.
- The model of the world represents the agent’s best guess(es).
- Internal states can also be used to maintain the status of the agent instead of the world.
Goal-Based Agents
- Instead of using condition-action rules, the agent uses goals to decide what action it does.
- Search( bottom-up ) and planning (top-down).
Utility-Based Agents
- Utility function: Happiness of the agent.
- Maximizing the expected utility.